Dr. Amruta Deshpande, Indira Group of institutes
Dr. Amruta Deshpande
Director Research and Development
Indira Group of institutes

Dr. Amruta Deshpande, Ph.D. in Management studies, MBA (HRM), MBA (Hospitality Management), B.sc (Chemistry). She Is an Assistant Professor at Indira school of business studies PGDM, Pune, Maharashtra India. She is an MBA with over 15 years of rich academic experience in teaching and research. She is a Certified Emotional Intelligent specialist, Executive life coach, and Psychometric Test Professional. she has also done global certifications in master trainer and Facilitator and Performance and competence Developer. Her specialization and teaching experience are predominantly in Organization behaviour, Theory of management, Management fundamentals, and Human resource management to PG and Master Students to impart knowledge and usher students to strive for professional excellence. She has also attended various Management Development Programme by IIMs. She is also a Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator. She completed X Culture Global Research collaboration project.

Currently working as Assistant Professor in PGDM (Human Resource Management Department). She has published 30 research papers in Scopus / ABDC / WOS journals on various topics like Career Management, contemporary HR practices, and recent HR trends. She is the author and co-author of different edited books.
