Maria Jose Pineda, Tec de Monterrey
Maria Jose Pineda
Directora diseño y evaluación
Tec de Monterrey

María José Pineda

Currently serves as Director of Design and Assessment at the Academic Vice-Rectorate of Tecnologico de Monterrey. She  brings more than 35 years of experience in the field of education in different leading positions and interacting with education professionals and students.

María José Pineda

She brings more than 35 years of experience in the field of education in different leading positions and interacting with education professionals and students.  During her pathway as an educator, she has been High School Academic Director at PrepaTec (Tecnologico de Monterrey educational system comprising 35 high schools around Mexico), HS Principal,  Chair of Department, Curriculum Development Director,  coordinated and participated in projects related to the redesign of the teaching-learning process, the development of new curriculum focusing on competencies, the design of PDP programs, and the implementation of educational innovations.

Currently serves as Director of Design and Assessment at the Academic Vice-Rectorate of Tecnologico de Monterrey