Theresa Kwong, Hong Kong Baptist University
Theresa Kwong
Director, Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning
Hong Kong Baptist University

Theresa Kwong, Ph.D., Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), is the Director of the Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU). Theresa’s major responsibilities at the Centre include: leading the promotion of a quality culture of learning and teaching within the University and beyond; advancing the scholarship of teaching and learning at the University; providing expertise to individuals and departments regarding pedagogical issues, e-learning adoption and outcomes assessments; and advising on the development and implementation of eLearning strategy and the promotion of innovative pedagogical and assessment methods. Theresa received a number of teaching and learning grants from within and outside the university and her research interests include academic integrity, technology enhanced learning, faculty professional development, and outcomes assessment.