His research interests center on smart cyber-physical systems design and management.
He has coordinated several actions in national and international research projects, in particular applied to the Education 4.0.
Since 2016, Ernesto Exposito is Full Professor at "Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour". Between 2006 and 2016, he worked as Associate Professor at INSA Toulouse and researcher at LAAS/CNRS in Toulouse, France. Between 2004 and 2005, he worked as Researcher at the National ICT Australia Limited (NICTA) research center in Sydney, Australia and he was Conjoint-lecturer at the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications at the University of New South Wales. In 2010, he earned the "Habilitation à diriger des recherches" from the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse. In 2003, he earned his PhD in “Informatique et Télécommunications” from the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France.
He has served as chairman and member for many Program Committees and he is author of more than 100 international publications. He is editorial board member of several international journals and serves for different international journals and conferences program committees in the field of networking and distributed systems.
Since 2021, he is the Vice-Rector for International Relationships at UPPA and the head of the Computer Science master programs at the UPPA
His home page is available at http://eexposit.perso.univ-pau.fr