Florian Hummel, IU International University
Florian Hummel
Vice-Rector International
IU International University

Prof. Florian Hummel has been Professor of Strategic Management and Vice-Rector for International Affairs at IU International University since 2017.

With a BA from the University of Brighton and an MSc from Cranfield University, he wrote his Doctorate dissertation at the University of Sheffield on "An analysis of the effects of the Bologna Declaration on higher and vocational education". Prof. Hummel began his professional career in a large US company before moving to the higher education sector. For the past 20 years, he has worked at various Universities - as faculty member, Dean, Vice-President and CEO. He has been an external examiner at several UK Universities. His area of special interest lies in the field of digital international HigherEd collaboration and accreditation, such as online dual degree development, articulation agreements & pathways. 
