Fred K.T. Ku, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Fred K.T. Ku
Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Dr. Fred Ku Kei-tat
Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies) | Director of Integrated BBA Programme and Global Business Studies | Senior Lecturer
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Business School

Dr. Fred Ku is a distinguished scholar and transformative educator at CUHK Business School, where he has been a key faculty member since 2009. Specializing in business economics and business analytics, Fred teaches across undergraduate, MBA, and EMBA programmes. He is known for employing innovative teaching methods, such as game-based learning and virtual global classrooms, to bridge academic theory with real-world application.

Fred's leadership in education extends beyond the classroom. He is a group leader in the CUHK Teaching and Learning (T&L) community of practice, and he spearheads pedagogical research and drives initiatives to enhance teaching practices across the faculty and university. His contributions have been recognized with several prestigious awards, including the CUHK University Education Award (Team leader, 2023), Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award (2013, 2019), the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (2018-19), and the eLearning Forum Asia’s Exemplary Teaching and Learning Award (2020).

Dr. Ku is the visionary behind the Asia Business Education Network (ABEN) - a platform that connects top business schools across the Asia-Pacific region, facilitating faculty exchanges, collaborative teaching, and educational research. ABEN enhances internationalization and experiential learning for students, broadening their horizons and global competence.

Dr. Ku founded the Business Education for Social Good (BESGO) programme in 2019, which trains students to solve societal challenges through business solutions. Under his leadership, BESGO has partnered with organizations like the Hong Kong Productivity Council, ReThink HK and Social Ventures Hong Kong (SVhk), creating impactful projects that promote social innovation, such as supporting hearing-impaired youth and promoting sustainable businesses.

In addition to his academic roles, Fred serves as a consultant for the HKSAR government, contributing to the Education Bureau and Trade and Industry Department through consulting projects and knowledge transfer activities. He regularly speaks at local and international conferences and is committed to leveraging business education to make a positive societal impact.