Nataliia Krokhmal graduated from the Faculty of History of Zaporizhzhya State University, Specialty "World History". She got PhD in Philosophy, and the thesis theme is "Historical forms of self-regulation of the social process". Academic interests: sociology, information society, education management, and sustainable development. She contributed to the research carried out under the guidance of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: "Self-regulation of the Country's social organism", "Public Organizations as a Factor in the Democratization of Society" and "State-public Management of Education: socio-philosophical analysis". She was the curator of the master's educational program "Management of Educational Institutions" within which managers of educational institutions were trained, in particular for the system of preschool and secondary education. In teaching, she combines an interdisciplinary approach that includes history, sociology, management, and philosophy. Krohmal Nataliia consults educational institutions on issues of management and management technologies.