El-Badawy is Professor of Highway Engineering at Mansoura University, Vice Dean
for Postgraduate Studies and Research and Director of the Highway and Airport
Engineering Laboratory (ISO/IEC 17025:17 accredited lab). He received a BSc
degree with honor and MSc in Civil Engineering from Mansoura University and PhD
degree from Arizona State University (ASU), USA in 2006. He worked as a
Postdoctoral Research Associate at ASU until July 2007 and as a Research Fellow
at University of Idaho (UI) from December 2009 until January 2012 and adjunct
professor at UI till 2015. Dr. El-Badawy has participated in several international
and national research projects. He served on the Standing Committee on Design
and Rehabilitation of Asphalt Pavements (AFD60) from April 2012 till
June 2021. He is a member of four different committees formed by the Housing
and Building National Research Center (HBRC) to update the Egyptian Code for
Urban and Rural Roads. His research interests focus on sustainable pavement
material characterization and modeling, Mechanistic-Empirical pavement design, and
pavement performance. He is the Editor-in-Chief of “Innovative Infrastructure
Solutions” journal, and Associate Editor of the “Transportation Research Record
Journal”, and “ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering”. He graduated 8
PhD students and 35 MSc students. Through research and graduate advising, he
published more than 120 technical publications.