Yuk Ming Tang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Yuk Ming Tang
Senior Lecturer
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Dr Tang is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). Dr. Tang is the Lab-in-charge in Integrated Product Design (IPD) and deputy Lab-in-charge of the Ng Tat Lun (NTL) Digital Factory (DF) in the department. His research interests include virtual reality (VR)/ mixed reality (MR), artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain technology, digital twin, sustainable technology in industry 4.0 and healthcare applications. Dr. Tang has published over 10 books/ book chapters and over 60 renowned journal articles, such as Computers & Education, Expert Systems with Applications, Educational Research Review, Virtual Reality, etc., in which almost 90% were the first or corresponding authors. He is also an editor/ guest editor of numerous renowned journals, such as the Journal of Industrial Information Integration, Internet of Things, Frontiers in Environmental Science, PLS One, etc.