E-Learning Award
This is important to ensure your project is evaluated correctly based on the type and stage it is in. For example, for a “mature” project according to the definitions below, the impact achieved is expected to be significant and demonstrable, whereas for an “early stage” project, the emphasis is on demonstrating the validity of the concept ad its feasibility.
ACADEMIC- EARLY STAGE Select this pathway if your academic project or research is at an early stage of development. Projects in this category will, typically, have not been published in academic journals, will not have passed through a peer-review process, and will not have contributed to any cited research papers. They will not, typically, have received any awards.
ACADEMIC - MATURE Select this pathway if your academic project or research is at a later stage of development. Projects in this category will, typically, have seen their results or findings published, have contributed to academic journals, have passed through a peer-review process, and/or will have received awards. Project leaders may have presented work at conferences or have received other recognition of the project’s validity.
VENTURE -EARLY STAGE Select this pathway if your product or venture is at an early stage of development. Products or ventures in this category will not, typically, have received more than $200,000 in revenue or $500,000 in venture capital. They will not have undergone an Initial Public Offering (IPO) and may not have proceeded past a beta-test. They will typically have received no award nominations and will only be working with a small cohort of schools or universities.
VENTURE - MATURE Please select this pathway if your product or venture is at a late stage of development. Products or ventures in this category will, typically, have received more than $200,000 in revenue or $500,000 in venture capital. They will have undergone an IPO and will have seen their product enter the market post-test. They may have received award nominations and may have already expanded internationally.
Once ready...
1. Select the first category you wish to enter from the list above. Click ENTER NOW.
2. Register to set up your account.
3. When registering, you will receive an email with a validation code which must be added to complete the registration process. Please check your junk folder. You will need to register on the platform before you can complete your entry.
4. If you do not want to complete you entry in one sitting you can part complete your entry, your information is automatically saved, and you can return later, login using the YOUR ACCOUNT tab in the menu and complete the entry.
5. To submit your entry, agree to the terms and conditions then click the COMPLETE button at the bottom of the page. If you forget your password please use the reset password link on the login page.
(ACADEMIC – EARLY STAGE) We seek any innovative new technological tool, or any project that uses existing electronic learning tools in an innovative way. Such projects should facilitate and support learning and engagement through the use of information and communications technology.
E-Learning Award (ACADEMIC – MATURE)
(ACADEMIC – MATURE) We seek any innovative new technological tool, or any project that uses existing electronic learning tools in an innovative way. Such projects should facilitate and support learning and engagement through the use of information and communications technology.
E-Learning Award (VENTURE – EARLY STAGE)
(VENTURE – EARLY STAGE) We seek any innovative new technological tool, or any project that uses existing electronic learning tools in an innovative way. Such projects should facilitate and support learning and engagement through the use of information and communications technology.
E-Learning Award (VENTURE – MATURE)
(VENTURE – MATURE) We seek any innovative new technological tool, or any project that uses existing electronic learning tools in an innovative way. Such projects should facilitate and support learning and engagement through the use of information and communications technology.