Christopher Wilson, Aston University
Christopher Wilson
Senior Teaching Fellow
Aston University

The Charter of Aston University outlines objectives appropriate to a technological university: "to advance, disseminate and apply learning and knowledge by teaching and research, for the benefit of industry and commerce and of the community generally: and to enable students to obtain the advantage of a university education, and such teaching and research may include periods outside the University in industry or commerce or wherever the University considers proper for the best advancement of its objects."

The emphasis given to the placement year system, and the maintenance of strong links with industry and the local area, arise naturally from the institution’s history. We are very aware of the important role we have to play in society, and we ensure that our students, staff, communities and business partners succeed to their full potential, regardless of background.

I am currently based in the Education Dept of Aston University. I teach Advance HE accredited postgraduate programmes, lead our related portfolio-based professional recognition scheme, coordinate Aston's committee for recognition of teaching excellence, chair university committees and boards, and manage institutional projects. I have over 27 years experience of teaching in higher education, maintain an active research profile in the field of creativity, and am an active composer, sound designer, and digital arts practitioner with works exhibited, published and performed internationally.