Julia Chen, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Julia Chen
Director of Educational Development
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Dr Julia Chen is the Director of the Educational Development Centre at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and courtesy Associate Professor at the Department of English and Communication. She holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics and is a Principal Fellow of Advance HE (PFHEA). Her research interests include leveraging technology in education, using learning analytics for quality assurance and enhancement, and English Across the Curriculum. She is the principal investigator of several large-scale multi-university projects, including a recent one on Generative AI. Julia has won numerous awards, including her university’s President’s Award for Excellent Performance twice for her outstanding teaching and service respectively, the Hong Kong University Grants Committee Teaching Award 2022 in the Collaborative Teams category (team leader), QS Reimagine Education Awards 2022 Breakthrough Technology Innovation in Education Silver Prize, First Prize of the Paper Award in Learning Analytics 2022, and the EdTech Heroes Learning Experience Award 2023. She has also been honoured with the lifetime designation of Distinguished Fellow by the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum in the USA. Julia is a popular speaker and has been invited to give keynotes and talks in HK, Mainland China, Singapore, Japan, Indonesia, UK and USA. See https://www.polyu.edu.hk/en/edc/about-edc/people/dr-julia-chen/ for a list of her recent publications and invited talks. 
