Manthan Gala, ATLAS SkillTech University
Manthan Gala
Associate Director- Strategy & Partnerships
ATLAS SkillTech University

Manthan Gala is an education professional with 10+ years of experience. He currently serves as the Associate Director for Strategy and Partnerships at ATLAS SkillTech University, focusing on developing collaborations with International Universities, leading Corporates, and Government organizations. Manthan is also in charge of Career Services for the Business School, responsible for guiding 1800 students' career paths.

Previously, as a UGC-NET qualified Assistant Professor, he taught business, math, statistics, and strategy at ISME School of Management and Entrepreneurship. Manthan's passion for educational equity led him to complete a fellowship with Teach for India, where he made a significant impact working in a public school in Asia's largest slum for 2 years.

Recognized for his excellence, Manthan was awarded a prestigious Community scholarship worth $5000, outshining 10,000 candidates. He holds a Master's degree in Commerce from the University of Mumbai and a Bachelor's degree from HR College in India. Furthering his education, Manthan will pursue an MBA from INSEAD, ranked #2 by Financial Times, in 2024.

Before entering the education sector, Manthan gained valuable experience in consulting at EY, advertising at Leo Burnett, and public relations. Throughout his career in education, he has positively impacted and mentored over 8000 students.